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Free iPad Apps for Early Literacy Instruction: What's available? What matters? What happens when preschoolers use them?

Free iPad Apps for Early Literacy Instruction: What's available? What matters? What happens when preschoolers use them?

Mr. Potato Head and Curious George have joined the digital world via free iPad apps. This presentation provides findings from an ongoing investigation of the potential, possibilities, and pitfalls of incorporating iPad use with early literacy instru...

Opening Remarks

Opening Remarks

Introductory remarks by Sheri Prupis from NJEDge.Net, Dr. Patty Kahn and Dr. William F. Burns from Brookdale Community College.

4Cs of Communication

4Cs of Communication

The purpose of this session is to offer a model for effective IT communications that addresses: - Constituents: Identifying audience segments and targeting communications based on their needs - Content: Developing relevant and standardized communica...

E-book Access and Creation for the Higher Ed Classroom: E-Books, E-books and Mobile Apps for Technician Education

E-book Access and Creation for the Higher Ed Classroom: E-Books, E-books and Mobile Apps for Technician Education

When you walk into any college classroom, you will note most students bring some type of mobile device to class. Yet these mobile devices are rarely used to access textbooks. While e-book adoption is soaring for pleasure reading, e-book adoption in ...

I Walk The "Online"

I Walk The "Online"

Johnny Cash may have walked the line, but at Brookdale Community College we walk the "online". In this session, the presenters will share information about the full-service online advising model offered at Brookdale Community College. The history an...