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Living Together: Rocky Intertidal Zone, The: Challenges and Adaptations

Living Together: Rocky Intertidal Zone, The: Challenges and Adaptations

The intertidal zone contains a rich abundance of diverse organisms, despite a multitude of challenges, from pounding waves and temperature fluctuation to competition for scarce resources. Nonetheless, many organisms manage to not only survive but to...

Living Together: Marine Communities: Change and Bio-Diversity

Living Together: Marine Communities: Change and Bio-Diversity

For communities in the marine environment, change is an ongoing reality. Bio-diversity, which refers to the number of species and relative abundance of different species within a community, offers the best chance for community survival.

Treasure Trove: Technology and Over-Fishing

Treasure Trove: Technology and Over-Fishing

Recent advances in fishing technology have brought about major changes in the way fishes are removed from the ocean. Improved trawls, dredges and baits have greatly advanced the efficiency of the fishing process. Unfortunately, this increase in effi...

Survivors: Survival in the Intertidal Zone

Survivors: Survival in the Intertidal Zone

Perhaps nowhere on Earth is the ability to survive better demonstrated than that part of the shore alternately exposed and submerged by tides-a region known as the intertidal zone. Remarkably, marine organisms there have evolved a multitude of ways ...

Over the Edge: Exploring the Deep Ocean Floor

Over the Edge: Exploring the Deep Ocean Floor

Scientists have made great progress in their efforts to map the deepest parts of the ocean. But even with all the new technology that's available, our knowledge and understanding of the deep ocean is far from complete. In fact, we know more about th...

Over the Edge: Hydrothermal Vents

Over the Edge: Hydrothermal Vents

Hydrothermal vents were discovered in 1977. They are sometimes characterized as deep ocean hot springs found thousands of feet beneath the surface. Hydrothermal vents are of great interest because of their circulation processes, as well as for the u...

Living Together: Hydrothermal Vents: Life in the Extreme

Living Together: Hydrothermal Vents: Life in the Extreme

Hydrothermal vents were discovered by the submersible Alvin in 1977. They are sometimes characterized as deep ocean hot springs found thousands of feet beneath the surface. Hydrothermal vents are of great interest because of their circulation proces...