Most organizational communication can be categorized according to the direction or flow of information between sender and receiver. Communication can take place very much along organizational hierarchy lines, either upward or downward, but it can al...
As steel has given way to microchips and globalization has become a worldwide economic reality, managers have had to deal with a host of new challenges. Among the most critical has been the need to produce as efficiently as the competition, which mi...
Different leadership styles are effective in different situations. Often, an effective leader is someone who has a vision that seems to bring everything into focus, and is able to inspire other people to action.
A company's culture is much like the culture of a society. It is the sum total of that organization's behaviors, beliefs, and values. One outgrowth of a firm's culture is the environment or "climate" that exists within the organization. Along with w...
Although specific organizational designs vary from company to company, there has been a broad trend away from what might be called mechanistic organizational designs toward more organic ones. Mechanistic designs depend on centralized authority and m...
If power in the formal organization is about position rather than people, power in the interpersonal networks that comprise what's been called "the informal organization" is all about people and the subtleties of human nature. In some cases, these i...
While there is a wide range of general skills required of nearly all managers, there are some differences in emphasis from one level of management to another, from supervisory or operating level managers up through senior, top level managers.