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Just-In-Time Faculty Professional Development using Video Tutorials

Just-In-Time Faculty Professional Development using Video Tutorials

Creating just-in-time tutorials can provide an innovative approach for faculty professional development. Instructional Design and Track: Technology Services in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University uses Panopto - a lectur...

IGNITE Sessions - Pinterest! For Student Collaborative Projects by Denise Krieger and Steve Garwood

IGNITE Sessions - Pinterest! For Student Collaborative Projects by Denise Krieger and Steve Garwood

Incorporating collaborative projects that utilize social media can provide an innovative approach to actively engage students in learning. The presenters at the School of Communication & Information at Rutgers University will discuss two pilots impl...

Disruptive Course Design: Integrating Social Technologies and Quality Matters (QM) Best Practices in Hybrid/Online Courses

Disruptive Course Design: Integrating Social Technologies and Quality Matters (QM) Best Practices in Hybrid/Online Courses

Mary Chayko and Denise Kreiger will present their hybrid course design process based on Quality Matters standards and incorporation of diverse social technologies into the course, as well as the QM course review process.