In some cases, there are communication problems that arise due to an organizational structure that limits the free exchange of information. Communication problems can also result when employees are subjected to a steady stream of criticism from sup...
A company's culture is much like the culture of a society. It is the sum total of that organization's behaviors, beliefs, and values. One outgrowth of a firm's culture is the environment or "climate" that exists within the organization. Along with w...
If power in the formal organization is about position rather than people, power in the interpersonal networks that comprise what's been called "the informal organization" is all about people and the subtleties of human nature. In some cases, these i...
One of the most essential traits for career success is initiative. But initiative alone is not enough. There also needs to be a willingness to learn and a clear set of goals with a definite plan of action.
While there is a wide range of general skills required of nearly all managers, there are some differences in emphasis from one level of management to another, from supervisory or operating level managers up through senior, top level managers.
Regardless of their level within an organization, managers virtually without exception find their jobs to be a uniquely challenging mix of the frustrating and the rewarding. Unlike the popular image of the manager as someone who spends his or her ti...
The first step for a prospective employee to take in assessing whether he or she is a good fit for an organization is understanding his or her own values. It's critical to choose a line of work and to find a company whose values are consistent with ...