How did two boyhood friends from Midland, Texas wind up arrested on terrorism charges at the 2008 Republican National Convention? This film follows the journey of David McKay (22) and Bradley Crowder (23) from political neophytes to accused domestic...
(Note: This video is the expurgated version of the original title) How did two boyhood friends from Midland, Texas wind up arrested on terrorism charges at the 2008 Republican National Convention? This film follows the journey of David McKay (22) an...
(This video is the DVD bonus content material of the original title) Original Video
Description :How did two boyhood friends from Midland, Texas wind up arrested on terrorism charges at the 2008 Republican National Convention? This film follows the...
THROUGH THE REPELLENT FENCE follows art collective Postcommodity as they strive to construct Repellent Fence, a two-mile long outdoor artwork that straddled the U.S.-Mexico border. Postcommodity consists of three Native American artists who “put l...