With all the activities inside and outside the cell, how does the cell membrane hold it all together? This program closely examines the structure and function of cell membranes, including compartmentalization, intercellular interaction, regulation o...
What happens when a deadly crime takes place and law enforcement puts all of its scientific resources into action? Can forensic science really solve a murder? This program follows scientists through a dramatized investigation, from the discovery of ...
The development of authentic self-esteem and a healthy sense of self has always been a vitally important part of growing up. But this process is a challenge that has gotten even trickier to negotiate due to the widespread integration of digital tech...
Filled with real-life demonstrations that support instructive written examples, this program reinforces the basic principles of solving equations for chemical reactions. A brief historical overview describes Marie and Antoine Lavoisier's establishme...
The discovery of the mole and its relationship to mass, volume, concentration, and number of particles revolutionized science in its day. With stunning graphics and visual metaphors, this program introduces students to this fundamental concept in ch...
This program discusses planning, researching, writing, and delivering an oral presentation. It covers such topics as selecting a topic, choosing a presentation format, gathering and organizing necessary information, practicing, and putting it all to...
This program takes a holistic approach to classroom management with a mix of preventive strategies and damage control that will enable teachers to retain order so they can more effectively educate their students. Topics range from the concrete - cla...
How do company owners and managers measure the health and viability of their businesses? This program addresses that question, illustrating processes by which an entrepreneur can evaluate the performance of his or her enterprise and make decisions t...
What makes cotton such a versatile material? How is silk produced? Why do some people have trouble wearing wool? In this program, interior designer Brandi Hagen explains the qualities of different kinds of fibers, both natural and synthetic. Nylon, ...
With diabetes on the rise around the world-and with the type 2 strain afflicting up to 90 percent of the diabetic population-the need for greater awareness and working knowledge of type 2 has also risen. This program was developed as a response to g...