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Unethical Behavior

Unethical Behavior

People sometimes fail to consider the moral or ethical dimensions of behavior because they assume any action that doesn't violate the law is acceptable. While legal statutes are codified and enforceable by the judicial system, ethics principles are ...

Different Leadership Styles

Different Leadership Styles

Different leadership styles are effective in different situations. Often, an effective leader is someone who has a vision that seems to bring everything into focus, and is able to inspire other people to action.

Rational Decision Making

Rational Decision Making

Decisions shape the destiny of organizations. Sound decision making--the ability to make a rational choice among alternatives--is one of the most critical managerial skills.

Non-Quantitative Decision Making

Non-Quantitative Decision Making

In conditions of uncertainty, where there are no clear probabilities, managers may make decisions by drawing on experience, judgment or intuition, factors which are sometimes referred to as non-quantitative.

Organizational Culture: Manager's Role, The

Organizational Culture: Manager's Role, The

A company's culture is much like the culture of a society. It is the sum total of that organization's behaviors, beliefs, and values. One outgrowth of a firm's culture is the environment or "climate" that exists within the organization. Along with w...

Management Revolution, The

Management Revolution, The

While the five management functions continue to be as important as ever, sweeping changes in the business environment threaten many of the basic assumptions and practices that have characterized management over the years.

Career Advancement

Career Advancement

One of the most essential traits for career success is initiative. But initiative alone is not enough. There also needs to be a willingness to learn and a clear set of goals with a definite plan of action.

Managerial Challenges

Managerial Challenges

Regardless of their level within an organization, managers virtually without exception find their jobs to be a uniquely challenging mix of the frustrating and the rewarding. Unlike the popular image of the manager as someone who spends his or her ti...

Values, Goals, and Employee Morale

Values, Goals, and Employee Morale

The values an organization stands for can exert a strong influence on morale. Unfortunately, many companies profess to value one type of behavior, but actually reward behavior that is very different and represents very different values.