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Showing results - 1 to 10 of 42
Budgeting and Financial Decision Making

Budgeting and Financial Decision Making

This program gives students a solid grounding in a variety of real-life money matters: it provides financial decision-making methods, advises on consumer concerns such as buying versus renting, outlines insurance types and terminology, and discusses...

Understanding learning disabilities

Understanding learning disabilities

How could a child be a top math student yet not be able to read? Why can another child read well but not be able to write a paragraph that makes sense? While watching children being taught new ways to learn, this program offers expert insight into t...

Diet and disease in modern society

Diet and disease in modern society

What's so bad about saturated fat, and what makes fiber so good? In a society where convenience foods rule and obesity is a national epidemic, it's time to find out. This video investigates the relationship between diet and a number of frequently in...

Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Distance learning just might be the perfect option for those who need to update their skills or pursue training for a new career but cannot attend classes full-time. This educational resource illustrates the variety of audio, video, and online oppor...

Developing an apparel line

Developing an apparel line

In the fast-paced world of fashion merchandising, every season brings with it a demand for something new and different. In this program, a designer who owns her own boutique, students developing apparel as a class project, and professors from Iowa S...

Deadly driving distractions: Texting, Cell Phones, and Other Killers

Deadly driving distractions: Texting, Cell Phones, and Other Killers

According to insurance statistics, distracted drivers are responsible for almost 80 percent of all car crashes and 65 percent of near-collisions in the United States. In this Telly Award-winning video, celebrity psychology researcher David Strayer, ...

The Gifted Child

The Gifted Child

When a child displays advanced skills in one or more areas of development, a special challenge is set before teachers, parents, and childcare providers alike. This program seeks to foster an understanding of gifted children by identifying their char...

Food-borne illness

Food-borne illness

No one wants a burger with a side of salmonella or a taco topped with E. coli, but that's what you can get when food isn't prepared correctly. This video describes common - and serious - food-borne illnesses, how they're spread, and how they can be ...

Lost in the Supermarket

Lost in the Supermarket

Too many people shop for groceries without a clue about what they really want or need. In this video, Mike Colameco, producer and host of PBS’s Colameco’s Food Show, helps students keep their brains turned on after they enter the supermarket. Mi...

Mapping your career plan

Mapping your career plan

Books...articles...occupational dictionaries...even the Internet...offer a wealth of information about all kinds of careers. But the challenge is discovering how to tap into the various resources. Teens must learn how to set goals. Job shadowing, ex...