Childhood is the perfect time to key in on the enjoyment of healthy physical activity. If left alone, the younger members of any mammalian species are physically active. But as children get older, parents, and sometimes coaches, may push a child's i...
Athletes and those who are in good physical shape need to be careful to avoid doing too much of a good thing. Overuse injuries, torn ligaments , rotator cuff injuries often occur when intense competitors overdo. A major advancement in recent years h...
Every joint and muscle in the body has an intended range of motion: bending, rotating or twisting. As we get older our muscles tend to tighten, our range of motion decreases, and we develop aches and pains that weren't there before. Gentle static st...
No matter how old a person is the goal of being physical fit is important. Two seniors, both over 80 talk about the importance of exercise in their lives. The health benefits of a moderate exercise program are enormous, even in the older population....
Muscular endurance is the ability to contract a muscle repeatedly. It is muscular endurance that keeps our arms and legs moving during aerobic exercise which in turns builds cardiovascular endurance. Performing a low-impact aerobic activity for thir...
Technology has made life easier, but it has also made us less active. Nearly one-fourth of American adults are sedentary. Another one-third are not physically active enough to be considered fit. Studies show that exercise is vital to good health. It...
Choosing the wrong exercise, or going overboard with it, can cause physical injuries. Before you start an exercise program, see your doctor, especially if you are middle aged or beyond. Make sure your heart and lungs are in good condition. Have a ph...
Strong muscles prevent joint and muscle injuries, improve posture and contribute to weight loss. The goal is to stay toned. Weight training also adds a balance factor which improves a person's quickness, agility and balance, all which help lower inj...