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Court, Trials, and Sentencing: Due Process

Court, Trials, and Sentencing: Due Process

According to prime-time television, criminals are brought to justice in a speedy and efficient yet drama-filled manner. In reality, the process can be slow and meticulous, as rules must be followed to safeguard the defendant's constitutional rights....

MyPlate: Understanding the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans

MyPlate: Understanding the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans

When the USDA replaced MyPyramid with MyPlate, the goal was to simplify dietary recommendations by providing at-a-glance guidelines without having to weigh and measure at every meal. This program explores the key concepts of MyPlate and how it corre...

You're Hired! Job-Winning Interview Strategies

You're Hired! Job-Winning Interview Strategies

There’s nothing like preparation to calm the pre-interview jitters! After watching this video, young adults will know how to define personal employment goals; research a company of interest; do mock interviews, for practice; dress for success; mak...