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Deep Connections: Differences Between Deep Ocean and Surface Currents

Deep Connections: Differences Between Deep Ocean and Surface Currents

The flow of ocean currents follows predictable patterns governed by a variety of physical factors. For surface currents, which include water flow horizontally in the upper four hundred meters of the ocean, wind is the primary driving force. For deep...

Going with the Flow: Forecasting El Nino Events

Going with the Flow: Forecasting El Nino Events

Once an El Nino event is underway, scientists have a good idea of how it's likely to behave over the subsequent six to nine months. But predicting the onset of such events in advance has proven to be very difficult.

Going with the Flow: Ocean Circulation Patterns

Going with the Flow: Ocean Circulation Patterns

Among the largest structural features in the open ocean are the subtropical gyres that occur in the major ocean basins. But while gyres loom large in the overall scheme of ocean circulation, patterns of surface current motion can often be quite vari...

Going with the Flow: Ocean Currents: Cause and Effect

Going with the Flow: Ocean Currents: Cause and Effect

In addition to their role in El Nino and other weather events, ocean currents are also important for delivering nutrients, especially along coastlines, and for facilitating the movement of planktonic organisms. Surface currents are influenced by sev...

Something in the Air: Interplay Between Atmosphere and Ocean

Something in the Air: Interplay Between Atmosphere and Ocean

The interplay between atmosphere and ocean plays a role in nearly all weather events. The two bodies are in continuous contact with one another, and each influences conditions in the other.

Going with the Flow: El Nino

Going with the Flow: El Nino

El Nino is marked by the appearance from time to time of warm water in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. The end result of the evaporative process that follows is excessive rainfall.

Deep Connections: Water Masses

Deep Connections: Water Masses

Water masses are layers of water distinguished by a particular temperature and salinity. Understanding how water masses form and move around is critical in understanding global climate.

Deep Connections: Thermohaline Circulation

Deep Connections: Thermohaline Circulation

The movement of water due to differences in density is called thermohaline circulation. This process is responsible for not only the vertical movement of ocean water, but for the circulation of the global ocean as a whole.