About this title: "What you hear in Bernice's songs is the essence of struggle," says Judy Richardson introducing Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon. And Reagon declares that "I am standing on ground plowed by people before I came into being." She describes...
00:00 Byron Bullock speaks; 01:55 Mellasenah Morris plays piano; 07:32 Bullock speaks; 12:52 JMU Contemporary Gospel Singers perform; 31:32 Bullock speaks; 35:20 Val Gray Ward speaks; 1:19:00 Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, playing a cur...
Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, playing a drum, Kathryn Harris acts as sign-language interpreter
Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, playing a curious shaker instument and then drum, Kathryn Harris acts as sign-language interpreter