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New York: the world's city

New York: the world's city

To describe New York City's cultural makeup, the best metaphor is a salad bowl rather than a melting pot. This program follows the Queens #7 subway line through a dazzling array of ethnic communities, each with its own distinct texture and flavor, i...

Stop the Flow: Analyzing the Causes of EU Immigration

Stop the Flow: Analyzing the Causes of EU Immigration

Can Western aid to the developing world help to stem the tide of foreign workers into the EU? This program reports on European initiatives intended to improve conditions in Africa and the Middle East and thus reduce the number of job-seekers enterin...

A world without borders: what is happening with globalization

A world without borders: what is happening with globalization

As globalization gains momentum, industrialized and developing countries are, to a greater or lesser extent, becoming increasingly similar, with middle-class luxury and abject poverty coexisting side by side. This program explores the repercussions ...

The global dimension: the risks of globalization

The global dimension: the risks of globalization

Despite unprecedented growth in the world economy as a whole, some 1.5 billion people in developing countries live in extreme poverty, and the living conditions for twice that number are almost as deplorable. This program investigates how both trade...

Frankfurt: the Euro-city

Frankfurt: the Euro-city

An emerging high-tech focal point, Frankfurt has the largest foreign and immigrant population in continental Europe. This program studies the effects of that diversity, for Frankfurt specifically and within the larger context of German culture as it...

The global marketplace: the benefits of globalization

The global marketplace: the benefits of globalization

In an age of globalization, companies are scrambling to blend the ideals of social justice with the concept of a free-market economy. Drawing on case studies from around the world, this program focuses on progressive efforts being made by businesses...

Global partnerships: the effects of globalization

Global partnerships: the effects of globalization

While governments and industries reshape the world on a grand scale, countless individuals have pledged themselves to facilitating change at the grassroots level, one village at a time. This program interviews North American and European volunteers ...

Mexico City: the largest city

Mexico City: the largest city

This program defines Mexico City's globalization in terms of winners and losers, examining how, in the world's largest metropolis, immigration challenges are linked to poverty and population influx from surrounding rural areas. Contrasting the city'...

London: the post-imperial city

London: the post-imperial city

Defining the typical New Yorker has always been impossible; today, the definition of a Londoner is nearly as elusive. This program travels London's increasingly cosmopolitan neighborhoods, sorting through perspectives on immigration and resistance t...

The global neighborhood: what can happen with globalization

The global neighborhood: what can happen with globalization

Globalization is uniting the people of planet Earth as political and economic forces work to create a more centralized world. Internal affairs of sovereign nations are no longer off limits to the global community, and the principle of humanitarian i...