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The Latin American Boom

The Latin American Boom

By the 1960s, Latin America’s avant-garde movements had matured into a range of literary styles that were firmly entrenched in the cultural landscape. At the same time, there emerged a new and distinctive accent to Latin American literature that w...



It was an aesthetic movement with an ambitious program: linguistic innovation as a means of liberation from Romanticism and Neoclassicism, and as a way to clarify Latin American identity. As this program explains, Modernismo coincided with a burst o...

Resumes and job applications

Resumes and job applications

This program demonstrates how resumes and job applications can be used effectively to find satisfying employment. Popular types of resumes are presented, with an emphasis on those that are more effective for ex-offenders. In addition, specific ways ...

The Drama of Creation: Writers on Writing

The Drama of Creation: Writers on Writing

How can a handful of words, scribbled on a napkin or a train schedule, grow into a timeless play? How does a storyteller create characters with lives and intentions of their own? Is writing a miraculous act, impossible to explain or describe, or is ...

Pre-Columbian literature

Pre-Columbian literature

The history and social structures of Latin America’s native peoples were neither simple nor peaceful before the arrival of Europeans. Wars were fought, empires were created and destroyed, and—as this program illustrates—narrative tapestries of...

From Romanticism to Realism

From Romanticism to Realism

The 19th century brought tumultuous political change to Central and South America. This program shows how the cultural crucible of the region fused and realigned aesthetic movements considered sacrosanct in Europe—specifically, Romanticism, Realis...

Resumes: a how-to guide

Resumes: a how-to guide

Jeff wants to work in the information technology field. Cindy dreams of being a gourmet chef. Over the course of this program, these students learn how to write functional, chronological, combination, and newsletter-style resumes using information o...

The Avant-Garde of the 1920s

The Avant-Garde of the 1920s

After the horrors of World War I, Latin American writing turned away from what many saw as ornamental and frivolous experimentation. This program studies the so-called “criticism of Modernismo within Modernismo” in which language reached back to...

Regionalism and Indigenism

Regionalism and Indigenism

The literature of Latin America has always defied homogeneity—and the first decades of the 20th century were no exception. This program studies artistic responses to Modernismo that accompanied a deepening appreciation of local cultural currents f...

Brazilian Literature: The First 500 Years

Brazilian Literature: The First 500 Years

Unified by the Portuguese language, the literature of Brazil represents the cultural synthesis of three distinct influences: indigenous peoples, European émigrés, and Africans brought to the New World as slaves. This program reflects on those infl...