Formerly called rare-earth elements, the lanthanides are neither rare in abundance nor, strictly speaking, are they "earth." Segments in this program include Exploring the Lanthanide Series (properties of the lanthanides); Lanthanum: Movie Magic (ho...
The halogens is the only group that contains elements representing all three familiar states of matter at standard temperature and pressure. Segments in this program include Exploring the Halogens (properties of the halogens); Fluorine: The Painless...
Most elements in the actinide series were created artificially; only thorium and uranium are found in nature. Segments in this program include "Exploring the Actinide Series" (properties of the actinides); "Uranium: Stealth Boomer" (the use of urani...
Only 18 elements are generally considered nonmetals, yet nonmetals make up the bulk of the crust, atmosphere, and oceans of the Earth. Segments in this program include Exploring Nonmetals (properties of the nonmetals); Hydrogen: Fuel of the Future (...
The noble gases, like the noble metals, are characterized by low reactivity. Segments in this program include Exploring the Noble Gases (properties of the noble gases); Helium: Rocket Fuel (helium's part in powering the space shuttle); Neon: Fabulou...