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Web and Video Conferencing Tools: Yours, Mine and Ours?

Web and Video Conferencing Tools: Yours, Mine and Ours?

There are so many choices when it comes to real time conferencing tools that it becomes increasingly complicated knowing when to host, how to support independent user choices, etc. This presentation will attempt to present the cases for in-house, ho...

Understanding Music and Video Copyright Laws for Colleges and Universities

Understanding Music and Video Copyright Laws for Colleges and Universities

This program will focus on the use and misuse of copyrighted music and video materials by student's faculty and staff at colleges and universities. Case studies involving tracking of music, and video materials will be discussed as examples. Access t...

NJEDge.Net memorial program in honor of Charles McMickle

NJEDge.Net memorial program in honor of Charles McMickle

Remembrance of NJEDge.Net colleague Charles McMickle