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Childhood: Program 3. Love's labors

Childhood: Program 3. Love's labors

This program provides an exploration of the fascinating period between six months and three years, when almost every day brings startling evidence of rapid maturation in brain and body - improved coordination, increased mobility, the acquisition of ...

Childhood: Program 7. The house of tomorrow

Childhood: Program 7. The house of tomorrow

The CHILDHOOD journey concludes with a look at the many emotional and physical transformations that characterize puberty and adolescence. This program shows how that biological metamorphosis - when boys and girls become men and women - is marked in ...

Childhood: Program 1. Great expectations

Childhood: Program 1. Great expectations

One of the major themes of the Childhood series is introduced and explored - the mutual influence and importance of both "nature" and "nurture," the ongoing interaction of time, place and biology. Highlights of the premiere program include witnessin...

Childhood: Program 2. Louder than words

Childhood: Program 2. Louder than words

An infant may not be able to speak, but research clearly shows that the roots of future personality are present from birth. Observer Jerome Kagan shows why shyness and sociability have a distinct biological component. But is biology destiny? We expl...