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Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

The notion that there is no single "one-size-fits-all" model of what constitutes a family is a concept of enormous importance, especially at a time when diversity is much more the rule than the exception.

Parents and Children.: Gay and Lesbian Parenting

Parents and Children.: Gay and Lesbian Parenting

Profile of "Our Family Coalition," an organization that serves families with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members in the San Francisco Bay area.

Singlehood...: Gay and Lesbian Couples vs. the Marriage Movement

Singlehood...: Gay and Lesbian Couples vs. the Marriage Movement

Sixty percent of Americans consider homosexual relations wrong, a figure that has decreased since the 1970s but is still out of step with other advanced industrial nations. Twenty-nine percent of gay men and 44 percent of lesbians currently live in...

Families Today and Tomorrow: Family Challenges: Childcare

Families Today and Tomorrow: Family Challenges: Childcare

The growing participation of women in the labor force has led to dramatic changes in family life in the United States, particularly as regards children and childcare.

Working: Working Women and Childcare

Working: Working Women and Childcare

Finding suitable childcare has increasingly become an important issue for nearly all working parents. In large part, this has come about because massive structural changes in the U.S. economy have brought working women into the labor force in grea...

Working: Government, Business and Family Policy

Working: Government, Business and Family Policy

At one time, businesses didn't have to worry about families because most women were home taking care of their children full-time. With women now in the workforce in large numbers, that has changed. Still, many companies consider family challenges ...

Families Today and Tomorrow: Post-Modern Family Condition, The

Families Today and Tomorrow: Post-Modern Family Condition, The

There is a growing trend away from a narrowly defined, one-size-fits-all model of the American family.

Changing Families: Why Families Have Changed

Changing Families: Why Families Have Changed

The institution of family has changed since the 1960's because of many factors, including the increased participation of women in the paid labor force, the rise in divorce rates, and developments in contraception and reproductive technology.