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Organizing quantitative data

Organizing quantitative data

This video focuses on effective ways to understand and organize data using descriptive statistics. Analyzing data collected from studies of young music students, the video helps viewers sort through basic data-interpretation concepts: measures of ce...

Zimbardo Speaks: The Lucifer Effect and the Psychology of Evil

Zimbardo Speaks: The Lucifer Effect and the Psychology of Evil

Philip Zimbardo has spent decades researching the transformation of character that occurs when generally good people are led to engage in evil actions. In this lecture, Zimbardo discourses on theories of conformity, prejudice, aggression, social inf...

Study of attention

Study of attention

Do we really have to pay attention to control and direct all our behavior? How is it that we focus our attention on one input or stimulus and ignore the rest? This program answers these questions by examining the following concepts: the selective at...

Introduction to designing experiments

Introduction to designing experiments

Adam suspects that most hairy dogs have balding owners. Testing his "pet" theory at a local park, he quickly finds flaws in his own experiment. This video demonstrates Adam's second test, involving better preparation, more rigorous analysis, and an ...

Perception: the theories

Perception: the theories

Can perception be explained in terms of sensation? In this program, the senses, including proprioception, are described; the structuralist, gestalt, constructivist, and direct perception theories are critically analyzed, focusing on both their stren...

Further approaches to learning

Further approaches to learning

This program explores alternative approaches and explanations of learning, including latent learning, learning sets, insight learning, ethology, social learning, and neuroscience. The program emphasizes the recent move towards a cognitive theory of ...

Cognitive development

Cognitive development

The aim of this program is to examine Piaget's theory and to critically evaluate it in light of modern research. The study of child development in the 20th century revolved around Jean Piaget's theories, and the program clearly describes their centr...

Inferential statistics

Inferential statistics

Who said statistics were boring? Using magic and circus motifs, this program demonstrates the significance of probability theory and the importance of using the correct test to analyze research data. Host Amy and her friend Matt the Magician guide v...

Study of memory

Study of memory

This program introduces the basic terms used in the study of memory such as encoding and storage and retrieval, and looks briefly at the historical ideas about memory. Modern theories are explained using diagrams and real-life examples, and the prog...

Exploring qualitative methods

Exploring qualitative methods

A dream may be the most difficult human experience to quantify - but dreaming is an excellent topic for building qualitative research skills. This program illustrates experiments, designed and conducted by students, that revolve around sleep and dre...