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Showing results - 1 to 10 of 11
African American Poetry and the Vernacular Matrix Part 2,  9/29/1994

African American Poetry and the Vernacular Matrix Part 2, 9/29/1994

00:00 Video begins in the middle of Eleanor W. Traylor speaking; 04:40 Alvin Aubert introduces Sherley Anne Williams; 04:52 Williams begins speaking; Remainder of video is duplicate of FF0031 ending after the panel discusses Monifa Love's question

Critical Theories and Approaches in African American Poetry Part 2,  9/30/1994

Critical Theories and Approaches in African American Poetry Part 2, 9/30/1994

00:10 video begins in the middle of Arnold Rampersad speaking; 24:34 Lorenzo Thomas speaks; 45:01 Jerry Washington Ward opens up discussion; 45:17 Darrell Stover addresses panel; 45:52 Thomas responds; 48:28 unidentified graduate student addresses p...

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 4

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 4

00:00 Jerry Washington Ward introduces panel on critical theory; 09:55 Reggae music plays; 14:22 Joyce Ann Joyce speaks; 31:30 Aldon Lynn Nielson speaks; 56:00 Arnold Rampersad speaks; 1:20:35 Lorenzo Thomas speaks; 1:40:55 Ward opens panel for disc...

Thursday Poetry Reading Part 2, 9/29/1994

Thursday Poetry Reading Part 2, 9/29/1994

00:00 video begins in the middle of Gerald W. Barrax speaking; 10:18 Toi Derricotte speaks; 27:54 E. Ethelbert Miller speaks; 41:23 John Keene opens floor to discussion; 41:50 Darrell Stover addresses panel; 42:18 Derricotte responds; 44:04 Miller r...

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 2

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 2

01:09 Elizabeth Alexander reads "LA by Night" (video is glitchy); 02:47 Gerald W. Barrax reads "And Tell the Girls to Pray for Me" and two other poems; 04:10 video regains normalcy; 19:20 Toi Derricotte speaks and reads; 36:55 E. E. Ethelbert Miller...

Writing a Literary History of African American Poetry Part 3, 10/1/1994

Writing a Literary History of African American Poetry Part 3, 10/1/1994

00:00 video begins in the middle of Clyde Taylor speaking; 15:55 Eugene Redmond speaks; 25:20 Jerry Washington Ward addresses the panel; 27:58 Kalamu ya Salaam addresses panel; 32:44 Taylor responds; 34:22 Darrell Stover addresses panel; 35:22 Jabar...

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 7

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 7

00:00 Joanne V. Gabbin opens session, bad audio; 01:45 Lamont B. Steptoe speaks; 02:28 Gabbin speaks; 03:08 Carmen Gillespie speaks; 04:10 Eugene Redmond opens panel; 10:03 Gabbin speaks; 13:53 Alvin Aubert speaks and reads; 21:15 Redmond speaks; 21...

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 6

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 6

00:00 Darrell Stover speaks, while Morton Brooks performs; 09:55 Joanne V. Gabbin speaks; 11:10 Eugenia Collier speaks; 16:55 Gabbin speaks; 18:00 Mari Evans speaks; 18:40 Eugene Redmond speaks; 26:35 Raymond R. Patterson speaks; 27:28 Gabbin speaks...

Banquet Part 1, 9/30/1994

Banquet Part 1, 9/30/1994

01:09 Darrell Stover introduces Morton Brooks, Brooks is performing on trombone while Stover reads; 11:42 Joanne V. Gabbin speaks; 12:55 Eugenia W. Collier speaks; 19:08 Gabbin speaks; 19:49 Mari Evans speaks; 20:26 Eugene Redmond speaks; 28:22 Raym...

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 1

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 1

00:45 Joanne V. Gabbin speaks; 01:45 Steven Wright plays drums; 04:47 Gabbin speaks; 05:47 Susan Facknitz speaks; 11:24 Jacqueline Brice-Finch speaks; 12:50 C. B. Claiborne speaks; 18:22 Ronald E. Carrier speaks; 22:20 Doris Hunt speaks; 23:30 Val G...