A huge success in its day, this historical play centers around the character of Richard of Gloucester, a self-proclaimed villain who usurps the crown. Through family machinations, political marriages and military coups, this play portrays the tumult...
Scholars agree that Shakespeare collaborated on this dramatic romance and not much is regarded to be his alone. The story, which first appeared in medieval literature, is of the Prince of Tyre, who flees upon discovering his King in an incestuous re...
Shakespeare’s play about the weak and despicable King John, who tries to fend off the royal claims of Arthur, Duke of Brittany, who is supported by the King of France. In spite of the support of Faulconbridge, John alienates the English nobility a...
The conclusion to the era's favorite historical plays. York wins the War of Roses and forces Henry to give him succession to the crown. The merciless Margaret captures York and taunts him before having him killed, only to be captured herself and com...
Shakespeare's earliest attempt at romantic comedy, two friends, Valentine and Proteus, fall in love with Silvia, daughter of the Duke of Milan, who is promised to the foolish coward Thurio. Proteus forgets his old love, Julia, and thwarts Valentine'...
A splendid satire directed against intellectual pride and pedantry, with some of Shakespeare's best early poetry with masterly scenes and excellent characterizations. The play tells how the King of Navarre and three of his lords vow to spend three y...
This savage tragedy is one of Shakespeare's most enduringly popular. Told by a trio of witches that he is fated to become King of Scotland, the warrior Macbeth, aided by his unscrupulous wife, in his quest for power murders his king and assumes the ...
Intending to divide his realm among his three daughters, the dictatorial Lear commands each give a testimony of her love. But after the gushing of malevolent Goneril and Regan, loyal Cordelia states: "I love your majesty according to my bond; nor mo...
The turmoil of war and political conflict sound the theme for the last of Shakespeare's tragedies. In this tragedy, Shakespeare studies the character of a soldier. Surrounded by war and political conflict, Coriolanus is a rock of strength, but a roc...
Director Elijah Moshinsky does "an outstanding job," says the New York Times. Equally impressive is the cast. King Cymbeline's evil second queen forces the king to banish his daughter Imogen's husband, Posthumus. While the queen tries to force Imoge...