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Doing Sociological Research

Doing Sociological Research

This multi-segment program focuses on the world of education as it addresses aspects of how to conduct sociological research. After defining what exactly constitutes research, the video defines the concepts of reliability, validity, and representati...

Assumptions: Critical Thinking

Assumptions: Critical Thinking

It’s natural to make assumptions. In some ways they save time and help people make effective decisions. But assumptions can sometimes be very wrong. This program offers exercises that illustrate the use of assumptions and that help students hone t...

Evidence in Argument: Critical Thinking

Evidence in Argument: Critical Thinking

How can evidence be presented for maximum effectiveness in arguments? Simply laying it all out is not always enough, but hiding parts of it is not the answer, either. This program begins by illustrating the meaning and significance of evidence and t...

Experimental Research Methods in Psychology

Experimental Research Methods in Psychology

Drawing upon laboratory and field experiments, this program compares and contrasts experimental research methods through an attractiveness study involving young adults. Section one observes how subjects respond to photos in two lab environments—on...

Credibility: Critical Thinking

Credibility: Critical Thinking

What is credibility, and why is it so important? This program begins with an exploration of the concept of credibility and illustrates the key criteria of motive, bias, vested interest, neutrality, ability to perceive, and expertise. A reconstructio...

Daycare: Psychological Impacts on Child Development

Daycare: Psychological Impacts on Child Development

As the number of two-earner families continues to rise, the demand for daycare is increasing. Filmed at a nursery, this three-section program discusses some of the possible impacts of daycare on children’s long-term development. Parents, caregiver...

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Sociological Inquiry

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Sociological Inquiry

Sociologically speaking, how does postmodernity differ from modernity? This multi-section program seeks to answer that question as it evaluates sociology’s relationship to an evolving societal framework. Topics such as greater personal choice, inc...

Perspectives on Psychology

Perspectives on Psychology

Better self-control begins with an understanding of the psychological factors that affect behavior. Section one of this program focuses on the influence of brain structure, brain chemistry, and genetics on behavior; section two illustrates key conce...

Stress Management: Psychological Counseling

Stress Management: Psychological Counseling

Stress has been called the most prevalent disease of modern society: an epidemic brought about by the pace of modern life and the pressure to succeed in a climate of increasing job insecurity. But what exactly is stress? How do medical and psycholog...

Eyewitness Testimony: Psychological Aspects

Eyewitness Testimony: Psychological Aspects

Eyewitness testimony remains one of the most important sources of evidence in criminal investigations. Even in cases where there is only eyewitness evidence, 75 percent result in a conviction. This three-section program weighs the reliability of eye...