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Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

The notion that there is no single "one-size-fits-all" model of what constitutes a family is a concept of enormous importance, especially at a time when diversity is much more the rule than the exception.

Families Today and Tomorrow: Aging in America

Families Today and Tomorrow: Aging in America

Since 1900, average life expectancy in the United States has nearly doubled, going from 47 years to about 78 ears for males and 82 years for females. In most cases, the quality of life has increased along with the quantity, but growing older still...

The Role of Gender: Gender Socialization

The Role of Gender: Gender Socialization

The gender socialization process teaches children from a very early age how to differentiate between males and females. Over time, most boys and girls take on gender-related traits and incorporate them into their behavior. There has been a longst...

The Role of Gender: Changing Gender Roles at Home

The Role of Gender: Changing Gender Roles at Home

The rapidly increasing number of women in the labor force has been both a cause and effect of the shift in gender roles in recent years. Women have had less time and often less energy to devote to their traditional role as homemaker. This has trig...

Changing Families: Alternative Family Structures

Changing Families: Alternative Family Structures

Among the most obvious changes in American families has been the increased diversity of family forms and structures. Some of the most common alternative family forms are: single parent families, married couples without children, stepfamilies, and f...

Connections: Living in Society

Connections: Living in Society

Sociology is the science of human society. C. Wright Mills originated the concept of "the sociological imagination" to express the notion that all individuals are part of something bigger than themselves known as society. The experience of living in...

Families Today and Tomorrow: Post-Modern Family Condition, The

Families Today and Tomorrow: Post-Modern Family Condition, The

There is a growing trend away from a narrowly defined, one-size-fits-all model of the American family.