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All Together: Organizational Culture: Norms and Values

All Together: Organizational Culture: Norms and Values

Every group or organization has its own unique culture-that is, the norms and values that are specific to that particular group or organization. Often, an organization's or group's culture reflects the culture of the society around it.

All Together: Organizational Culture: Rules and Conformity

All Together: Organizational Culture: Rules and Conformity

Many organizations are intolerant of ideas and viewpoints that don't fit into their culture. The result in some cases is a kind of "group-think" or conformity that can severely undermine an organization's effectiveness.

People to People: Group Interaction: Group Think

People to People: Group Interaction: Group Think

The desire to achieve a united front can get in the way of judgments that are based on a thorough analysis of relevant facts and alternate points of view. The results can be catastrophic as we saw when the Challenger space shuttle exploded. The push...