00:12 Introduction begins, Joanne V Gabbin narrates; 01:35 Jerry Washington Ward interviews Samuel W. Allen; 09:30 Allen reads "The Apple Trees in Sussex"; 15:35 Allen reads "Harriet Tubman"; 25:08 Allen reads "Law & Order: The Immigrant"; 28:55 Val...
00:00 video opens during a performance by the JMU Contemporary Gospel Singers; 14:34 Byron Bullock introduces Val Gray Ward; 18:05 Ward takes stage, speaks and sings, video cuts off while she's speaking
00:00 Byron Bullock speaks; 01:55 Mellasenah Morris plays piano; 07:32 Bullock speaks; 12:52 JMU Contemporary Gospel Singers perform; 31:32 Bullock speaks; 35:20 Val Gray Ward speaks; 1:19:00 Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, playing a cur...
00:25 Val Gray Ward speaks and sings; 12:15 Byron Bullock speaks; 14:18 Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, Kathryn Harris acts as sign-language interpreter
Joanne V. Gabbin and Val Gray Ward hold a class discussion about the conference
Val Gray Ward speaks and sings
Joanne V. Gabbin and Val Gray Ward hold a class discussion about the conference
00:00 Darrell Stover speaks, while Morton Brooks performs; 09:55 Joanne V. Gabbin speaks; 11:10 Eugenia Collier speaks; 16:55 Gabbin speaks; 18:00 Mari Evans speaks; 18:40 Eugene Redmond speaks; 26:35 Raymond R. Patterson speaks; 27:28 Gabbin speaks...
01:25 Joanne V. Gabbin introduces conference; 02:25 Steven Wright plays African drums; 05:26 Gabbin introduces Susan Facknitz; 06:27 Facknitz speaks; 11:40 Gabbin introduces Jacqueline Brice-Finch; 12:02 Brice-Finch speaks; 13:13 Gabbin introduces C...
00:45 Joanne V. Gabbin speaks; 01:45 Steven Wright plays drums; 04:47 Gabbin speaks; 05:47 Susan Facknitz speaks; 11:24 Jacqueline Brice-Finch speaks; 12:50 C. B. Claiborne speaks; 18:22 Ronald E. Carrier speaks; 22:20 Doris Hunt speaks; 23:30 Val G...