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Cosi fan tutte (The school for lovers)

Cosi fan tutte (The school for lovers)

Cosi fan tutte (The School for Lovers) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte

Cosi fan tutte (The school for lovers)

Cosi fan tutte (The school for lovers)

Cosi fan tutte (The School for Lovers) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte

Cosi fan tutte (The school for lovers)

Cosi fan tutte (The school for lovers)

Cosi fan tutte (The School for Lovers) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte

Mid-semester choral concert -
 Sing around the world

Mid-semester choral concert - Sing around the world

Da pacem domine / Melchoir Frank, arr. M. Goetze -- Kikkehihi / Johann Hermann Schein -- Now my heart / Jacques Arcadelt, arr. P. Liebergen -- Universal song / Shaker folk tune, arr. Daniel Hall -- Travelin' home / Sacred Harp, arr. A. Ramsey -- Cov...