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2012 William Paterson University commencement ceremony

2012 William Paterson University commencement ceremony

More than 12,000 family and friends filled the Izod Center for the University's 189th Commencement ceremony on May 22, 2012. Maria Otero, the Under
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey

Understanding the genocide in Darfur, Sudan : analysis and intervention

Understanding the genocide in Darfur, Sudan : analysis and intervention

Presentations and panel discussion covering the genocide in Darfur. Includes background on the conflict; explanation of the Sudanese region of
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey. Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies

The 7 triggers to yes

The 7 triggers to yes

Guest speaker Russ Granger, author of The 7 Triggers to Yes: the New Science Behind Influencing People’s Decisions, speaks about the art of
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey. Center for Closely Held Business
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey. Instruction and Research Technology Dept. Broadcast, Production and Support Division

TV news at the crossroads

TV news at the crossroads

-David Puente, broadcast producer and anchor for ABC News Now -Virginia Rohan, media critic for the Record Joann Lee, professor and chair of William
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey. Communication Dept.
Subject: Television broadcasting of news
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey

Challenges to health care in New Jersey:

Challenges to health care in New Jersey:

what this currently means for the average person in New Jersey, as well in the future. Host Bruce Berlin is joined by Todd Brower, an attorney at a
Contributor(s): Montclair State University. Dept. of Political Science
Subject: Medical care, Cost of--New Jersey

Confronting borders in schools : teaching for equity, justice, and global citizenship

Confronting borders in schools : teaching for equity, justice, and global citizenship

the Public Science Project at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York - discusses her work and research on The Opportunity Gap Project
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey. College of Education
Subject: Educational equalization--New Jersey
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey. Instruction and Research Technology Dept. Broadcast, Production and Support Division

3rd annual New Jersey Professional Development Schools Conference

3rd annual New Jersey Professional Development Schools Conference

Conference keynote speaker Dr. Jane E. Neapolitan gives a presentation on the issues and needs of Professional Development Schools with regard to
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey. Instruction and Research Technology Dept. Broadcast, Production and Support Division

3rd annual New Jersey Professional Development Schools Conference

3rd annual New Jersey Professional Development Schools Conference

The Garden State Partnership for Teacher Quality grant awarded mini-grants to four schools. In this break-out session from the 3rd Annual PDS
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey. Instruction and Research Technology Dept. Broadcast, Production and Support Division

Renal disease and nursing care

Renal disease and nursing care

William Paterson University professor Joanne Affinito, RN, MSN, APRN, BC explains the renal system and how to care for patients with symptoms
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey. Nursing Dept.
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey

Globalization with a human face. Day 1. Pt. 1 of 5

Globalization with a human face. Day 1. Pt. 1 of 5

Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997-2002 and is currently the director of the Ethical Globalization Initiative. A Q&A session with the audience follows
Contributor(s): William Paterson University of New Jersey
Publisher: William Paterson University of New Jersey. Instruction and Research Technology Dept. Broadcast, Production and Support Division