In the pleasure of the moment, young people seldom pause to think about the risks involved in sexual intimacy. Debilitating diseases or an unintended pregnancy run counter to thoughts of a happy and fulfilled sex life.. Parents cannot ignore the imp...
The Hardiness Institute, founded in the early 1980s, is helping people develop qualities that will allow them to deal with stress. In addition to such techniques, some people find it helpful to use meditation or prayer and regular physical activity ...
Teaching children about sexuality begins at home. Even if parents ignore the subject they are sending a message. Sexuality is not a subject parents can afford to be silent about; society is too obsessed with it.
Stress is not only a part of everyday life, it is necessary for life. It is only when stress becomes chronic that it becomes a problem, particularly if nothing is done about it. The more chronic stress you have, the less stress it takes to push you ...
Culture, parents, and friends create boundaries for sexual behavior beyond which it is difficult to deviate. For example, Kinsey's research in the 1930s and '40s found that African American women are less likely to engage in a variety of sexual expe...
Sexuality is an aspect of life that is common to all living things. It influences how we feel about ourselves and is a source of intimacy and pleasure from adolescence through old age. Attitudes about sex and sexuality often have cultural overtones.
The strength of a couple's relationship is related to their recognition of themselves as unique individuals. They need to feel strong enough about themselves to ask for what they want in the relationship, and to risk losing it if their needs cannot ...
Learning about sexuality involves not only the biology of sex but also its diversity. No two people have exactly the same desires nor the same idea of how to fulfill them. Bridging these differences between partners requires a great deal of communic...
Healthy relationships extend beyond the boundaries of the couple themselves. The extended family and network of friends can add valued support for the couple, and help cement the relationship..
One in three women in the United States experiences violence at the hand of an intimate partner sometime during their lifetime. It is the single largest cause of trauma to women between the ages of 15 and 44. Victims, doctors, and psychologists set ...