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Skills, Jobs and Benefits

Skills, Jobs and Benefits

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich argues that the public sector has a significant role to play in improving the American economy, but not in the traditional way of simply providing unemployment insurance of welfare. "It...

Investment and Productivity

Investment and Productivity

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about what the United States can do to be more successful competing on the world economic stage. He says that rather than reducing wages to be more competitive internationally, th...

Open Markets

Open Markets

Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers argues that open markets are in America's best interest as an exporter, as well as in the best interests of the American consumer. "I don't think the eco...

Dealing With Global Economic Issues

Dealing With Global Economic Issues

Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers talks about the growing importance of what he calls "international economic dialogue." Secretary Summers points out that, "...we export nearly twice as m...

Education and Training

Education and Training

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich argues that we don't have to chose between the low unemployment but frequently low wages of the American system, and a European system with wage rigidity that prevents wages from going ...

American Workforce, The

American Workforce, The

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about the economic successes and failures of the 1990's. "The good news is that, throughout the 1990's...the rate of unemployment dropped and a lot of new jobs were added to the A...

Treasury and the Federal Reserve, The

Treasury and the Federal Reserve, The

Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers talks about the importance of mutual respect between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank. Secretary Summers recalls the close working relationship ...

Trouble With Tax Cuts, The

Trouble With Tax Cuts, The

Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers argues that "there are real dangers in excessively large tax cuts because of an aging society (and) because we don't know what the needs in areas like ed...

Unspoken Social Compact, The

Unspoken Social Compact, The

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about what he calls "the unspoken social compact" between companies and their employees that used to assure increases in earnings and benefits for workers whose companies prospere...

American Economy During the Clinton Administration, The

American Economy During the Clinton Administration, The

Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers talks about the mostly positive economic record of the Clinton administration, which included decreasing unemployment and inflation and an increase in jo...