A unique, powerful, first-rate painter overshadowed by her lionized painter-husband, a bisexual woman torn apart by her obsessive love for her faithless husband, Frida Kahlo lived a life of physical and spiritual torment. This classic program provid...
A intimate and engaging documentary of two cross-cultural dance-artists, Eko Supriyanto and Sen Hea Ha, from Indonesia and Korea, who confront their traditional roots and face the contemporary realities of urban Los Angeles.
“The world breaks every one,” Ernest Hemingway wrote in A Farewell to Arms, “and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” This program applies those sentiments to the Great Depression and what it taught many Americans about creativit...
A journey into the realm of Afro-Cuban culture, this film explores the world of the celebrated Cuban muralist Salvador Gonzalez, a charismatic visionary who has single-handedly transformed an Alley in central Havana called Callejon De Hamel ( Hamel�...