Why have so many people lost the battle to achieve and maintain a healthy weight? Some people blame metabolism for excess weight; others think it is a matter of willpower. Both factors are affected by a person's genes, perhaps a leftover survival me...
When weight loss attempts continue to fail and health problems continue to mount, extreme measures are sometimes initiated. One such measure is gastric bypass surgery, a procedure that diverts food from the stomach directly to the small intestine. S...
The goal of the UC Irvine Weight Management Program is to encourage and support behavior changes that result in sustained weight loss. Many patients have unrealistic expectations or a short-term orientation. They want to go on a program for a short ...
Despite the fact that more Americans are conscious about their weight and we have more low-fat foods and sugar substitutes, the incidence of obesity is increasing in the United States due to poor food choices and sedentary lifestyles. Obesity is def...
In the maintenance phase of UCI's Weight Management Program, patients begin to build new and healthy eating habits. The key is consistency, making healthy eating a priority whether you're at home, at the office, or even at a restaurant. Consider a r...
Changing the way you eat is the first step in losing weight. The second step is changing the way you move. Penny and Mary Pat, two patients at UCI's Weight Management Program, chose an exercise program that worked for them and began to manage not on...
Obesity is no longer confined to those who are middle aged or older. Increasingly patterns associated with obesity are found in the very young. From a health perspective, most fat babies grow up to be fat adults. Stopping the progression of obesity ...
At UCI, weight loss programs are individualized depending on the severity of the problem. When people are suffering from health problems and need to lose weight quickly, a medically-supervised fast that includes proper nutritional supplements, 500 t...
In recent hears the health risks of obesity and the cultural obsession with slimness have spawned a multi billion dollar industry. Weight loss pills, fad diets, and dietary supplements promise miraculous results. Many of these miracle products are e...