Standard diagnostic procedures like an electrocardiogram (EKG) can detect abnormal heartbeats, inadequate blood flow and heart enlargement. A stress test that records the heart beat during exercise finds problems that reveal themselves only when the...
There are certain unavoidable risk factors for heart disease, like family history. But there are factors that you can modify to lower your risk of a heart attack: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and physical inactivity. Any...
In an average lifetime, the heart beats more than two and a half billion times, unless coronary heart disease interferes with its functioning. Narrowing of the coronary arteries that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart is the number one killer ...
One-third to one-half of people with coronary heart diseases are stricken unexpectedly with a heart attack, a myocardial infarction. An infarction is an area of heart muscle that dies because it doesn't receive enough oxygen due to insufficient bloo...
In the procedure known as coronary artery bypass graft surgery, blood vessels are taken from another part of the body and grafted to the aorta, the large artery emerging from the hart. The other ends of the vessels are grafted to the coronary arteri...
If only one or two of a patient's coronary arteries are narrowed, a physician may suggest an angioplasty procedure. Dr. David Faxon was a young physician in Boston in the early 1980s when he attended a session in which Andreas Greuentzig presented a...
The mission of cardiac specialists is to take patients with known heart disease and aggressively teach them to understand their risk factors and improve their lifestyle Prevention needs to start early in life, but at any stage it makes a difference.
MRI scanning verified that Karen was experiencing an aschemic stroke in which a blood clot blocked blood flow to a region of the brain. tPA, a clot buster was administered. This opens blocked blood vessels and restores blood flow to threatened regio...
It was a summer of promise for Karen Christiansen and Ken Jones. After ten years of marriage they were expecting their first child. Karen's pregnancy was almost full term and she was exercising at the Y when she began to exhibit the warning signals ...
The risk factors for stroke resemble those for other cardiovascular diseases, particularly high blood pressure and hypertension that can be modified by relaxation and dietary interventions. High cholesterol is also thought to be a factor although ma...