A thrilling journey to one of the world's most perilous environments, Antarctic Edge: 70° South follows a team of scientists as they explore the West Antarctic Peninsula.
In the wake of devastating climate events like Superstorm Sandy and Hurrican...
About this title: The planet's surface is being reorganized and reshaped at a scale never before seen. The cause of this change is human activity itself. Not only is the physical landscape changing but so too is the human landscape. PEOPLE, RESOURCE...
The story of how America led the world to solve the ozone crisis. Will we dare to do the same with climate change?Thirty years ago, scientists reported a hole in the ozone layer "the size of North America." The culprits were man-made chemicals calle...
This program presented by Sir David Attenborough discusses the thickening of Earth’s carbon dioxide envelope and, using climate modeling, confirms that fossil fuels are primarily responsible for a global rise in temperatures going far beyond any n...
The Wisdom to Survive accepts the consensus of scientists that climate change has already arrived, and asks, what is keeping us from action? The film explores how unlimited growth and greed are destroying the life support system of the planet, the s...
A Sea Change documents how the pH balance of the oceans has changed dramatically since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution: a 30% increase in acidification. With near unanimity, scientists now agree that the burning of fossil fuels is fundame...