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Kingsman, November 4, 1960

Vol. XXI—No. 7 BC fights for Men's soccer title, Dr. Herbert F. Friedman is selected recipient of BC's "Alumnus of the Year" award. Eleanor Roosevelt cancels her "Students for Kennedy" appearance, Conference on Teacher Education critiques the phe...

Kingsman, December 17, 1990

Vol. LXXII – No. 14 This issue contains articles on a student protest of the student assembly and the Athletics Department getting sued for sex discrimination. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brookl...

Kingsman, October 14, 1960

Vol. XXI—No. 4 Board of Higher Education sues State Commission Against Discrimination arguing they lack legal authority over the services that employ teachers, BC Librarian Rose Sellers completes tour of visits in the Middle and Far East includin...

Kingsman, October 21, 1960

Vol. XXI — No. 5 BC's Mardi Gras Parody Parade is a campus wide success, President Gallagher documents charges of communist leanings at "Observation Post," changes his decision to call out individual editors through his clique of "Observation Pos...

Kingsman, November 18, 1960

Vol. XXI—No. 8 BC soccermen provided with a bid to NCAA soccer championship, all BC faculty departments to address the issue of cheating, the Flatbush boosters led by Carlton Reilly secure its first Metropolitan Conference Championship in 8 year...

Kingsman, January 5, 1962

Vol. XXIII—No. 14. Malcom X will kick off BC’s “Challenge” series on 1/10/62 at noon in the Gershwin Auditorium, BC soccer stars, Ingo Kampa, Helmut Poke, and Ben Gibbs are elected College All-American by soccer coaches all over the nation,...

Kingsman, August 26, 1992

Vol. LXXVI – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the elimination of the athletics program, the departure of the undergraduate dean, and new dining services in the cafeteria. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of pu...

Kingsman, February 08, 1960

Vol. XX—No. 1 BC President Gideonse presents City Budget Director with petition that calls for $14,000 increase in funding for library books, Dean Goodhartz suspends Associate Editor Harvey Fisher from Kingsman for BC remarks found in his conclud...

Kingsman, August 31, 1992

Vol. LXXVI – No. 2 This issue contains articles on the appointment of a new BC president, freshman orientation, and rationale from the BC administration for eliminating the athletic program. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue...

Kingsman, January 10, 1964

Vol. XXVII—No. 14. Executive Council votes for BC and National Student Association’s reaffiliation, BC soccer fullback Helmut Poje is selected for the ’63 All America team by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, BC Council’s ...