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The Addictive Personality

The Addictive Personality

Does addiction have a genetic factor? Can any type of addiction be treated medically? What steps can family members take to help a loved one struggling with addiction? This program provides answers to several addiction-related questions, focusing on...

Case Studies in Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Case Studies in Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Bridget, 15, cannot go near her own parents because she fears they are somehow “contaminated.” Rocco, 9, dissolves into tears whenever he tries to leave for school—consumed by anxiety over what could happen once he steps outside. Michelle, 13,...

A Drug Called Pornography

A Drug Called Pornography

Pornography addiction is a health hazard that western culture is only just starting to recognize. This program demystifies the misconceptions that pornography is harmless and is based on the latest scientific facts. Interviews with sociologists, p...