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Ken, Monday, March 3, 1975

Vol. 56 – No. 2 This issue contains articles on the reasons behind the Social Science dean's resignation, the CUNY chancellor's surprise return of funds to city coffers, and the proceedings of the latest Faculty Council meeting. Preferred Citatio...

Kingsman, March 14, 1969

Vol. XXXVIII – No. 4 This issue contains articles on the special bus ticket sale that is tied to the plans to march on Albany to protest CUNY budget cuts, news that CUNY Faculty and Deans recommended changes to the Board of Higher Education's by-l...

Ken, Tuesday, March 5, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 3 This issue contains articles on student government election results, memorial services for the late Dean of the School of General Studies (SGS), and the search for a new SGS dean. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, ...

Kingsman, July 27, 1976

Summer Edition This issue contains articles on CUNY budget woes, available tuition assistance for students, and confusion over various deans' functions. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn Colleg...

Ken, Monday, May 12, 1975

Vol. 56 – No. 5 This issue contains articles on attempts to defund the 'Ken' student newspaper, student protest over the cancellation of the annual country fair, and a memorial fundraising event for a late college dean. Preferred Citation: Title ...

Kingsman, September 29, 1978

Vol. LVII – No. 2 This issue contains articles on dissent over the replacement of the Dean of Humanities and the results of a state audit of the college. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn Co...

Kingsman, September 22, 1978

Vol. LVII – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the naming of a new college vice president, new information regarding a broken elevator that injured a student, and the replacement of the Humanities dean. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. ...

Ken, Monday, April 1, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 5 This issue contains articles on the BC president's support for the School of General Studies, a scheduled hearing on tenure granting procedures, and the release of a governance report summary. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspape...

Ken, Tuesday, February 19, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 2 This issue contains articles on the formation of an ad hoc committee to find a new Director of the School of General Studies, the reorganization of the New York City Board of Higher Education, and student government candidate platf...

Ken, Tuesday, September 10, 1974

Vol. 55 – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the naming of several new administrators on campus and a federal grant to computerize CUNY. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira,...