While this critically-acclaimed film considers the persistent appeal of professional wrestling, its larger concern is how American popular culture idealizes pathological forms of masculinity that encourage sexism, homophobia, gender violence, and bu...
This 11-minute documentary gives insight into the activist efforts of a group of men in the town of Gloucester, MA. Using footage from anti-violence marches and centering on community men speaking out against violence and domestic abuse, this video ...
While this critically-acclaimed film considers the persistent appeal of professional wrestling, its larger concern is how American popular culture idealizes pathological forms of masculinity that encourage sexism, homophobia, gender violence, and bu...
In this influential and groundbreaking film, pioneering anti-violence educator Jackson Katz argues that we need to understand the crisis of violence in American society - including school shootings, bullying, hate crimes, sexual assault, and teen da...
In this influential and groundbreaking film, pioneering anti-violence educator Jackson Katz argues that we need to understand the crisis of violence in American society - including school shootings, bullying, hate crimes, sexual assault, and teen da...