During the 1970s, environmental issues seemed straight-forward. Today, the increased number of chemicals that have been introduced into the environment are producing greater risks, and the complexity of the effects of those risks are better understo...
For decades, workers in the auto body industry were exposed to hazardous emissions, and pollutants were leached into the air. As a result, auto paint manufacturers resolved to develop more environmentally friendly paints. Today's auto paints are g...
The potentially responsible parties for the discharge of PCBs into the Fox River-the companies along the Fox River-propose the natural attenuation method of remediation. EPA does not consider this natural burial of the contaminated sediments a perma...
The three main methods of remediation are hydraulic dredging, natural attenuation, and capping the contaminated sediments with a layer of clay or sand. Dredging is the preferred method because of its permanency. The contaminated sediments go through...
Remediation efforts in the Great Lakes Basin are ongoing. Most of the industry is found along the rivers and tributaries, and the objective is to remediate the sediments before they are swept into the open lake. The goal is to get the most highly co...
Environmental professionals constantly monitor, analyze and audit the treatment and disposal of both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes--a challenging assignment given the number of solid, liquid and gaseous waste streams created at a refinery.
California State Senator Richard Mountjoy first became alarmed by the effects of MTBE when using newly reformulated gasoline to clean old cars parts. The new gasoline melted his rubber gloves. Assemblywoman Debra Bowen was alerted to the MTBE proble...
The dangers of lead-based paints were essentially unknown to the public until the 1970's. At that time, over four million children were found to have elevated levels of lead in their blood as a result of breathing dust from deteriorating lead-based...
The challenge of maintaining environmental integrity has gone beyond regional and national concerns; it is an international challenge. Consistent environmental policies and enforcement are necessary at an international level.
Because most hazardous wastes cannot be landfilled, incineration provides an alternative. Whereas municipal waste incineration must meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act, hazardous waste incineration must comply with the Resource Conservation ...