In 1905, Albert Einstein released a series of groundbreaking papers on relativity, quantum theory, and Brownian motion. This program hosted by David Suzuki identifies technologies that have evolved from or were influenced by Einstein's revolutionary...
This program provides a substantive overview of the theoretical dispute between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, a controversy that still resonates today. Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation - that measurement of phenomena creates a set of possible outc...
This is part seven of a history of the cultural evolution of man, from primitive times to the present, presented by the late Dr. Jacob Bronowski. This program concentrates on two intellectual giants, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, who brought abo...
The darkest period of Jewish American life - the Holocaust and World War II - is examined in this fifth program of Jewish American achievement spanning 1939-1945. The selection of Bess Myerson as the first Jewish Miss America revealed a growing acce...