Approximately ninety-six percent of research and development is carried out in the more economically advanced countries. These nations dominate innovation and the ability to transform technological breakthroughs into manufacturing processes.
Globalization is the term used to describe a worldwide process of cultural and economic integration. It is viewed by some as a positive phenomenon, by others as mostly negative. Virtually everyone agrees that its impact has been enormous.
Even if advanced nations resolve to help those countries that are less affluent, the question of how exactly to do that can be enormously challenging.
Along with their struggle to survive poverty, the people of Africa must also endure a pervasive sense of uncertainty that casts an enormous shadow over their daily life.
One aspect of globalization has been called by some the "global care chain." This is the migration of women from primarily third world countries to countries that are more advanced economically. These women come to countries like the United States s...