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Modern Slavery: Captive Servants and Child Prostitution

Modern Slavery: Captive Servants and Child Prostitution

House slavery—the confinement and coercion of unpaid domestic servants—occurs far more frequently across Europe and the United States than most people realize. Even more alarming is the widespread use of children as fodder for prostitution rings...

Dreamcatcher (2015)

Dreamcatcher (2015)

“You got any dreams you wanna catch?” Sundance award winner Dreamcatcher takes us into a hidden world of prostitution and sexual trafficking through the eyes of one of its survivors, Brenda Myers-Powell. A former teenage prostitute with a drug h...

Dying to Leave: A Two-Hour Special on Human Trafficking

Dying to Leave: A Two-Hour Special on Human Trafficking

This two-hour Wide Angle special goes deep inside the global problem of human trafficking. Every year, at least two million people are packed in shipping containers, pulled through sewage tunnels, secreted in car chassis, and ferried across frigid w...

Women's history celebration 2011 presents

Women's history celebration 2011 presents

A diverse panel of faith-based community leaders and students discuss domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and issues pertaining to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities. The discussion includes facts, ideas, ap...