Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about the concept of consciousness. Dr. Banaji explains that she thinks of consciousness as having four properties: awareness, control, intention and self-reflection
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji continues her discussion of prejudice and racial bias. Dr. Banaji explains that the data gathered from experiments tells us that, "...while our attitudes are a function of the groups to which we belong...there is ...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji continues her discussion of experiments that look into the way the brain reacts to black and white faces. Dr. Banaji notes that there appear to be two systems in the brain that are involved. The first of these inc...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji continues her discussion of the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Dr. Banaji explains that when those who take the test learn that there are things in their minds that they don't necessarily want or like, they ofte...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about the Implicit Association Test (IAT) website she set up with two colleagues. Dr. Banaji explains that, " was started not as a research tool, but really as a place to educate and disseminate." She r...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about an experiment that looks at some of the same issues as the Implicit Association Test, but does so with children. She suggests that the results of the test provide some cause for optimism.
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about taking the Implicit Association Test herself and what it taught her. She says that the process of coming to grips with her own test results gave her a greater understanding of the degree to which it is...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji continues her discussion of the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Dr. Banaji explains that the testing appears to have what she calls "predictive validity." In other words, it seems capable of predicting certain be...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about the Implicit Association Test (IAT) as a technique used to demonstrate preferences and attitudes. Dr. Banaji explains that this test can be used to draw certain conclusions regarding how one feels abou...
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji continues her discussion of the Implicit Association Test. Dr. Banaji notes that the IAT data demonstrate that, "...while we can hold positive attitudes towards women, that doesn't necessarily stop us from...discr...