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Providing Services in Underserved Areas of Michigan

Providing Services in Underserved Areas of Michigan

Allband Communications Cooperative is a non-profit, member-owned telecommunications cooperative serving parts of Alcona, Alpena, Oscoda, and Montmorency Counties with telephone and broadband Internet services. Allband's founding purpose is to provid...

Merit Network Update

Merit Network Update

A briefing from Merit staff on network status, including progress on the building of fiber networks related to the REACH-3MC broadband stimulus project.

Layer 2 vs. Layer 3: Alternative Approaches to Data Transfer Between Sites

Layer 2 vs. Layer 3: Alternative Approaches to Data Transfer Between Sites

Any organization that has multiple physical locations (such as a multi-campus university, school district or ISD) faces questions about how to provide a common level of network service at all locations--ideally with all sites appearing to be on a co...

Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies

Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies

Formed decades ago from a small pool of data sources, the Internet has grown into a seemingly endless ocean of information—in which today’s young researcher can easily get lost. This video introduces strategic, study-related online search method...

The Medical Marketplace: Maintaining Quality Control

The Medical Marketplace: Maintaining Quality Control

How does a profession as immense as the medical community maintain quality control? "We rat on our own," says David Goldstein. "We're dealing with people's lives." The Internet provides consumers with evaluative information about hospitals and curre...

The Fourth Estate: Winning the News Game

The Fourth Estate: Winning the News Game

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, reporters and cameras converge on late-breaking news events with one thought in mind: winning the news game. In the 1950s and 1960s, most people's access to political information came from three television...