What harm could come from sitting leisurely at the computer, chatting with online pals? Unfortunately, many young people who spend hours in chat rooms or post sensitive information on the Internet have little or no idea of the risks involved. This p...
The Internet offers vast possibilities for learning, making a living, and having fun - but it can also destroy reputations, empty bank accounts, and ruin lives. This program cautions students about potential hazards to their computers - not to menti...
To study the impact of the Internet on adolescence, it helps to examine the subject through the eyes of teens and their parents. This episode of Frontline enters the private worlds that young people, for better or worse, are creating online. In doin...
The teenage years have always been tough - but digital technology has raised the dangers of the social battlefield to a whole new level. This ABC News program reports on how cell phones, digital cameras, and personal websites encourage and amplify t...
Most people learn traditional standards of behavior and respect for others by the time they are teenagers - but many don't realize that those rules are just as valid in cyberspace. This program helps students take the high road on the information su...