Philosopher Martha Nussbaum talks about Aristotle's efforts to map out the basis for "...a very rich political approach for the contemporary world." Professor Nussbaum observes that Aristotle believed it was the job of political planning to give peo...
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum talks about Aristotle, whom she credits for inspiring modern day perspectives about what constitutes the quality of life in a country.
Focusing on the nation-state as the prism through which major theories of justice are generally considered, Philosopher Martha Nussbaum discusses what she calls the "...accident of birth into one nation rather than another..." and how that introduce...
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum laments what she calls the misunderstanding and misrepresentation of late philosopher John Rawls by communitarians and "anti-liberals of all sorts."
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum observes that, at first glance, it's difficult to find similarities between the views of justice expressed by Aristotle and John Rawls. Aristotle's perspective is based on what's good, while Rawls looks at what's procedur...
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum talks about the practical limitations that impede economic aid wealthier countries can provide to developing nations. She suggests that what is possible is to focus on strong enforcement of basic political rights and libe...