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Showing results - 1 to 4 of 4
Obstetrical Nursing: Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Obstetrical Nursing: Electronic Fetal Monitoring

This program has been revised to show updated examples of monitoring strips, and clarify terms and nursing practices. OVERVIEW While most births occur naturally and without complication, some do not. The labor and delivery nurse must be able to use ...

Obstetrical Nursing: Pain Control

Obstetrical Nursing: Pain Control

Labor is the apt term to describe the birthing process, which is laborious and painful. Obstetrical Nursing: Pain Control describes how the body responds to pain during labor, and provides a detailed overview of the different pain relief techniques ...

Obstetrical Nursing: Caring for the Antepartum Patient

Obstetrical Nursing: Caring for the Antepartum Patient

This program focuses on the physiological and emotional changes a woman goes through during pregnancy, and includes information that can assist the nurse in caring and reassuring her pregnant patients. Patient history and prenatal care is also discu...

Obstetrical Nursing: Labor and Delivery

Obstetrical Nursing: Labor and Delivery

Obstetrical Nursing: Labor and Delivery is designed to familiarize nurses with the labor process and introduce guidelines and practices that can be used to manage the process and help ensure good delivery outcomes for patients.