There are a number of obstacles that can end a love relationship. When one of the partners tries to control the other, or the couple stops communicating and nurturing their love, the results can be disastrous. Sometimes one or both partners have s...
Many relationships seem almost effortless in the early stages. But making the transition from pure chemistry and romance to something deeper and longer-lasting can be a challenge.
A psychologist explains his theory about what makes a love relationship succeed; a couple who have been married for forty years talk about why their relationship has endured.
Despite the multitude of pitfalls that can derail a relationship, there are things a couple can do to help their love endure.
Prior to the 20th century, a couple's life together often had much more to do with duty and responsibility than with love.
The earliest stage of a love relationship is a time unlike any other for many couples, often characterized by intense and passionate feelings.
Therapists discuss the challenge of defining "love"-an emotionally charged word nearly everyone uses, but not necessarily with the same meaning in mind.
Men and women of marriageable age are staying single in record numbers. The traditional family is fast becoming an anachronism. Could the 21st century be the era when the sexes go their separate ways? Through a series of filmed portraits and candid,...
In India, where marriage is a must but AIDS carries a stigma, what are HIV-positive people to do?
After discovering India’s first case of HIV in 1986, Dr. Suniti Solomon left a prestigious academic post to found India’s premier HIV/AIDS clinic....