Nearly 100,000 people die each year from preventable hospital errors. Many physicians do not wash their hands as often as they should.
Reviewing AORN recommended practices for sponge, sharp, and instrument counts, this video demonstrates techniques for practicing accurate surgical counts. It emphasizes the importance of implementing facility-specific count policies in order to insu...
Subject: Medical Errors -- prevention & control -- Practice Guideline
This program describes the safe administration of oral medications and demonstrates practices that are required in order to help prevent medication
Subject: Medication errors -- Prevention
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Demonstrates methods to prevent crises, to intervene safely if needed, and how to prevent future crisis situations when a worker must intervene alone.
Contributor(s): CPI, Crisis Prevention Institute
Subject: Mental health counselors -- Violence against -- Prevention
Publisher: Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc
Understanding the Equation
Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, refers to two medical models as she discusses strategies for dealing with the epidemic of violence in the United States. The first of these is the dis...
Subject: prevention
Transcript: Where do i think prevention is going? What are the important things we need to remember if we're going To look at prevention and violence as a health
Sources of Bias and Noise
Children's speech errors give linguists insights about children's rule-making processes. Children often experiment with irregular verbs
Flaws in research design may result in errors. A Type 1 error occurs when one wrongly accepts an alternative hypothesis. A Type 2 error is the