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NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology: Part 2

NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology: Part 2

A respected source of balanced, first-rate journalism, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer raises urgent and challenging questions whenever it covers the healthcare field. This anthology of NewsHour segments confronts ethical dilemmas and complex issues in...

NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology: Part 3

NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology: Part 3

A respected source of balanced, first-rate journalism, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer raises urgent and challenging questions whenever it covers the healthcare field. This anthology of NewsHour segments confronts ethical dilemmas and complex issues in...

Life and Death: Medical Ethics of the Schiavo Case

Life and Death: Medical Ethics of the Schiavo Case

Many who followed the Terri Schiavo case struggled to make sense of the flurry of opinions it generated. This NewsHour program, recorded during the last days of Terri Schiavo’s life, presents two opposing yet thoroughly reasoned perspectives on th...

NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology: Part 1

NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology: Part 1

A respected source of balanced, first-rate journalism, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer raises urgent and challenging questions whenever it covers the healthcare field. This anthology of NewsHour segments confronts ethical dilemmas and complex issues in...